Why You Shouldn't Need jQuery and JavaScript Libraries

Why You Shouldn't Need jQuery and JavaScript Libraries

Web development continuously evolves with new tools and technologies emerging to streamline the development process and enhance user experiences. Among these tools, jQuery and various JavaScript libraries have been staple components for developers for many years. 

However, the modern web development ecosystem offers robust native features and alternative frameworks that diminish the necessity for jQuery and similar libraries. This blog will explore why you shouldn't need jQuery and JavaScript libraries, exploring their history, current trends, and the advantages of modern alternatives.

A Brief History of jQuery and JavaScript Libraries

The Rise of jQuery

When jQuery was introduced in 2006, it revolutionized the way developers wrote JavaScript. Its primary selling point was its ability to simplify HTML document traversal and manipulation, event handling, and animation. jQuery provided a consistent API that worked across a multitude of browsers, which was a significant advantage during a time when cross-browser compatibility was a major headache for developers.

The Proliferation of JavaScript Libraries

Following the success of jQuery, numerous other JavaScript libraries and frameworks emerged. Libraries like AngularJS, React, and Vue.js each brought their unique approaches to building dynamic web applications. These libraries provided tools for building more complex, interactive user interfaces, abstracting away many of the difficulties associated with raw JavaScript and the Document Object Model (DOM).

The Modern Web: Native Features and ES6+

ES6 and Beyond

ECMAScript 6 (ES6), also known as ECMAScript 2015, introduced a plethora of new features that greatly enhanced the capabilities of JavaScript. Features like arrow functions, classes, template literals, and destructuring assignments made the language more powerful and expressive. One of the most impactful additions was the introduction of the fetch API, which provides a modern, native way to make HTTP requests, rendering the jQuery ajax method largely obsolete.

Browser APIs

Modern browsers come equipped with a wide array of powerful APIs that eliminate the need for many external libraries. For instance, the querySelector and querySelectorAll methods provide a straightforward way to select elements in the DOM, mimicking the simplicity of jQuery's selector syntax. Other APIs, like the Intersection Observer API and the Web Animations API, offer native solutions for tasks that once required extensive library support.

Improved Cross-Browser Compatibility

One of the key reasons jQuery was indispensable in its early days was its ability to smooth over the inconsistencies between different browsers. Today, modern browsers have largely converged on a common set of standards, making it much easier to write JavaScript that works across all platforms without the need for additional libraries.

The Case Against jQuery and JavaScript Libraries

Performance and Load Times

Including large libraries like jQuery in your project can significantly increase your application's load time, especially on mobile devices with slower network connections. Modern web development emphasizes performance and speed, and every kilobyte counts. By leveraging native JavaScript features and browser APIs, you can minimize your application's footprint and improve load times.

Maintainability and Complexity

Relying on external libraries can introduce unnecessary complexity into your codebase. Each library comes with its own learning curve, update cycle, and potential for bugs. As your project grows, managing these dependencies can become cumbersome. Writing vanilla JavaScript not only reduces dependencies but also ensures that your code remains maintainable and easy to understand.

Security Concerns

Using third-party libraries can introduce security vulnerabilities into your application. Libraries that are not actively maintained may contain unpatched security flaws. By reducing your reliance on external libraries and writing your own JavaScript, you can better control the security of your code and ensure that you are not exposing your application to unnecessary risks.

Modern Alternatives to jQuery and JavaScript Libraries

Vanilla JavaScript

The modern JavaScript language, with its ES6+ features, is more than capable of handling the tasks that jQuery was once indispensable for. Consider the following examples:

DOM Manipulation

With jQuery:

$('#myElement').text('Hello, world!');

With Vanilla JavaScript:

document.querySelector('#myElement').textContent = 'Hello, world!';

Event Handling

With jQuery:

$('#myButton').on('click', function() {

    alert('Button clicked!');


With Vanilla JavaScript:

document.querySelector('#myButton').addEventListener('click', () => {

    alert('Button clicked!');


Frameworks and Libraries

While avoiding jQuery, you might still find modern frameworks and libraries beneficial for more complex applications. However, the focus should be on using lightweight, efficient tools that enhance, rather than complicate, your development process.


React is a JavaScript library for building user interfaces. With it, you can create reusable UI components, making it easier to manage the state of your application efficiently. React's virtual DOM provides performance improvements over traditional DOM manipulation techniques.


Vue.js is a progressive JavaScript framework. It is easy to integrate into projects of any size. It provides a reactive data binding system and a component-based architecture, making it a powerful tool for building dynamic web applications.


Svelte is a relatively new framework that takes a different approach by shifting much of the work to compile time. This results in highly efficient, minimal runtime code, making Svelte applications fast and lightweight.

Relevance to Shopify and eCommerce Sites

Shopify and Modern Web Development

Shopify, a leading eCommerce platform, has embraced modern web development practices to ensure performance and scalability. Shopify themes and customizations can be significantly optimized by using vanilla JavaScript and modern frameworks instead of relying on jQuery. 

Liquid and JavaScript

Shopify uses Liquid, a templating language, to build dynamic pages. Liquid is powerful, but combining it with modern JavaScript practices can further enhance the functionality and interactivity of Shopify stores. Using vanilla JavaScript or lightweight frameworks like Vue.js can reduce load times and improve the user experience, which is vital for retaining customers and reducing bounce rates.

Performance and SEO

Performance is paramount for eCommerce sites. Slow load times can cause higher bounce rates and lower conversions. By minimizing the use of large libraries like jQuery and instead leveraging native JavaScript and modern frameworks, eCommerce sites can significantly improve their performance. This, in turn, can make a positive impact on SEO rankings, as search engines favor fast-loading websites.

Enhanced User Experience

Modern web development practices enable the creation of highly interactive and responsive user interfaces. For eCommerce sites, providing a seamless and enjoyable shopping experience is critical. You can implement features like dynamic content loading, smooth animations, and real-time updates efficiently without jQuery using modern JavaScript APIs and frameworks.

Maintainability and Scalability

As eCommerce sites grow, maintaining and scaling the codebase becomes increasingly important. Relying on vanilla JavaScript and modern frameworks allows for cleaner, more maintainable code. This is especially relevant for Shopify stores, where frequent updates and customizations are common. Using modular code and modern development practices ensures that the site can evolve without becoming bogged down by outdated dependencies.

Embracing Modern Development Practices

Modular Code

Modern JavaScript development emphasizes modular code. Tools like Webpack, Rollup, and Parcel allow you to bundle your code efficiently, splitting it into smaller chunks making it easy to be loaded on demand. This approach not only improves performance but also makes your codebase more maintainable.


TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript that introduces static typing. By catching errors at compile time, TypeScript helps you write more robust and maintainable code. Many modern frameworks, including Angular and React, offer excellent TypeScript support.

Progressive Web Apps (PWAs)

Progressive Web Apps are web applications that provide users with a native app-like experience. They can work offline, send push notifications, and be installed on a user's device. Building PWAs often involves leveraging modern JavaScript features and APIs, making it even more critical to stay current with the latest web standards.


Here are some of the benefits of relying on vanilla JavaScript:

  • It’s easier to troubleshoot bugs if you’ve written the JavaScript yourself.
  • When the theme is not relying on a library, it’s easier to meet performance requirements.
  • JavaScript libraries don’t always have optimized code which can negatively affect performance. 

While jQuery and other JavaScript libraries have played a vital role in the evolution of web development, the modern web landscape offers powerful native alternatives that reduce the need for these libraries. 

By embracing ES6+ features, leveraging browser APIs, and adopting modern development practices, you can build efficient, maintainable, and secure web applications without relying on jQuery and similar libraries. 

This approach is particularly relevant for eCommerce platforms like Shopify, where performance, user experience, and maintainability are key to success. The future of web development lies in writing clean, modular JavaScript code that takes full advantage of the capabilities of modern browsers.

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